It is always a challenge in our modern cities to balance the needs of residents and business.
When it is a case of residents and the arts, one has to understand that support for Little Mountain Gallery does not just come from the direct neighbourhood. The scope of programming draws people to Vancouver, supporting neighbouring businesses and helping to enrich our civic life.
I have been asked to be a part of a few events at Little Mountain Art Gallery, making the journey from my home in White Rock to Vancouver.
We have been a part of project to digitize and promote the archived video history and art of Vancouver's music scene of 1979-1982.
I have found the organizers to be honest, energetic and organized, working with very little money, and yet working hard at creating a vital art centre.
As a former (and future) resident of Vancouver, I would suggest to City Council that support for local organizations like Little Mountain Art Gallery has wider impact than you imagine. It is organizations like this that need your support at the grassroots level. Plant a few seeds here, and watch the creativity grow and enrich the Vancouver landscape.
good post